Blue Cross Blue Shield here was bought out by Anthem some time ago. Before that they had a great business reporter that use to cover BC/BS. This guy understood the health care business.
Then they took him off the beat, and put in some J-School bimbo. The information in the reporting when the crap, and a year later Anthem maneuvered into to buy BC/BS. The state got 43 million out of the deal that was used to create a community health organization run by a fierce abortion proponent.
I had some prior experience with health care business/financial matters, so I followed the whole thing very carefully. I am convinced that they fuzzed up the reporting so no one would be able to look at the transaction closely, and so the lefties were able to capture a very large pile of money.
And when journos actually do some journalism they get pilloried if their findings don’t conform....e.g. Seymour Hersh