Given that the IRS has already been weaponized against conservatives, it is time to completely abolish the IRS and junk the entire tax code. Move to a federal consumption tax on the sale of new consumer goods and services. This is to be collected by states and transferred directly to the US Treasury. No more tax filings. No more income taxes. No more FICA/MCARE taxes. No more inheritance taxes. No more business taxes. All used goods, autos, homes, etc. are exempt. No more double taxation. No more rules and special programs for retirement. No more capital gains tax. No more interest and dividends tax. No more tax accountants. No more tax lawyers. No more lobbying for tax breaks and picking winners and losers.
Simple. Easy to Understand. You buy something new, then you pay a federal sales tax. Period.
This would make America the number one place in the world to do business. It is a necessary step in on-shoring manufacturing. It make every business more productive since time and money is will not be spent of taxes and taxes do not affect business decisions.
Send these scumbag irs employees to the eff’n unemployment line.
I like your plan, but it will never happen.
The US FedGov will never set their wage-slaves free.
The IRSS’s definition of wealthy: Anyone drawing a private sector paycheck.
America’s problems have very little to do with a lack of IRS agents and audits......frigging morons....
“IRS overhaul aims for tenfold increase in audits of the wealthy”
Whatever they claim IS NOT the law, so they’ll just ignore it. They’ll do what they always do, audit the people who bring them the highest returns for the time spent.
“Move to a federal consumption tax on the sale of new consumer goods and services.”
In my opinion, if that did happen it will be because of REPUBLICANS. Unfortunately, there are far too many Republican ‘Purists’ that will only vote for Trump or a ‘pure’ Republican for the Senate.
So it’s hopeless...
The IRS is not designed to handle small online businesses, If the House does no kill 85,000 new agents, those agents will be hell bent on destroying successful new busineses.
These will be from WFH whores to the next Steve Jobs.
Will Republicans know how to capitalize on this? Or will they continue to be boneheaded..and notice that both many establishment and many non-establishment are lousy at communicating.
And since any business owner or investor already has a CPA firm doing their taxes, the chances of recovering any money from people earning over 250K or so is minimal. So they are going after the upper-end W-2 wage earner who might still be filing his or her own taxes and getting a little bit careless about itemized deductions.
No they aren’t.
They’re going after people whose wages depend upon tips.
Audit Congress and all the upper echelon of the administration.
I went through absolute hell on earth 25 years ago with the IRS while making minimum wage working at a warehouse in Brooklyn NY. My boss screwed up my taxes and they said I owed $50,000 in taxes and I told them it was $500 and this went back and forth for months, then they put a lien on my bank account and I couldnt afford a lawyer so I would cash my paychecks at a check cashing place and have to buy everything in cash. I was working a MINIMUM WAGE job! Imagine what 86,000 new agents will do.
The wealthy know the bidung irs won’t go after them mo matter what the bidung says.