If he did pay it is legal to pay to avoid personal embarrassment, Cohen said he paid it, Trump says otherwise, it is a misdemeanor at best, Bragg iz trying to stretch it into a felony, it is past the statute of limitations, and an indictment in a deep blue state no less.
Witness Michael Cohen is an unreliable, convicted felon, Bragg is engaging in election interference and prosecutorial misconduct, turned to Cohen for help, and has undoubtedly tweaked the jury to get the desired outcome.
Bragg works for Soros/Satan. Enough said.
Who would have authority to press criminal charges against Bragg? He needs to pay severely for this!
Cohen initially testified he alone made the payments and trump never got involved at all - and Stormy wrote a letter saying none of it ever happened and Trump was nothing but a gentleman when they met. These are supposedly the “star witnesses” - an now it looks like they’re going after business interests which would be IRS-realm items - and the IRS has nothing they feel worth pursuing...