“Why did she sign a NDA if she never slept with him?”
Prostitutes always get paid whether there’s sex or not.
I know you know this. Trump has denied the relationship.
Stormy went on national TV, looking like she was high on coke, and said she had sex with Trump once.
That really sounds believable, a nobody porn actress has sex one time with a billionaire.(sarcasm)
The letter I posted came from her book.
Hard to tell if she’s lying again, which is why I put it out for others to make a decision!☹️
I've never believed he'd been with her. And if he had, who cares? As the Clinton's would say, "it's a private family matter." People prostitute themselves all the time, for a whole lot of different reasons. Most of the time it's for money and power. Sadly, there's plenty of whores and prostitutes in Congress on both sides of the aisle, and we're the ones being sodomized by them.