RINO alert 🚨
How old is Youngkin? He has to be in his mid-50’s, right? Can’t he remember back to his youth in the 70’s when the only thing people cared about bathrooms was if they were clean? There wasn’t any of this gender-neutral crap. There were boy’s/men’s rooms and girl’s/women’s rooms. Males went into one and women into the other. There wasn’t a thought otherwise. There wasn’t extra money spent. There weren’t electronic sinks where you could barely wash your hands because the water cuts off. There weren’t low-water use toilets. Toilets used to actually work. There weren’t lights that automatically turned off if you sat on the toilet reading. My high school didn’t even have urinals. It was a concrete trough the stretched the length of the wall with a continuous flow of water. What’s with people’s fixation about toilets?
Keep it eff’n simple and cheap. School is for learning, not worrying about toilets.
It is obvious that Youngkin is not concerned about things that matter. You can tell by his concern about the things that do not matter: toilet and transgenders. The latter should just be ridiculed and abused. They truly do not matter.
Youngkin will never get my vote if he runs for President. There is no reform for stupidity.
I’m just curious, have you ever voted for a candidate that you agreed with 100% on every issue?