“Residents said the emblems support the idea that White people ‘are in charge’ of this world’.”
Yes, they believe in rule of men. Jarrett even referred to “Obama’s rule” as if he were king. This is where we are headed without serious pushback. I fear the majority of whites don’t have the stones for it.
Since the latest black B S narrative is 'blacks built America' (rather than that ALL of us built America)...
And since American slaves were the black people captured or dumped by black tribes in Africa (those blacks easily caught or unwanted) - then sold by black tribe leaders to slavers...
Why didn't those blacks who weren't captured and sold by black Africans tribal leaders able do the equivalent in Africa? To 'built Africa' like the folks they sold "built America"?
I don’t care about the world but I want them in charge of where I live.