Posted on 01/03/2023 11:08:58 AM PST by WmShirerAdmirer
Excerpted: "Hell and the Spiritual War" "Drawing his inspiration from Dante Alighieri's epic poem The Divine Comedy, Leastar paints the celebrated Italian poet and his companion Virgil discovering Bergoglio in the Inferno. Francis is upside down in the furnace with protruding feet and legs in the air above ground."
"Dante's Inferno has several corrupt popes in Hell. A pope is one of the first souls Dante sees in the flames because he rejected the task God set for him. Anastasius II is in Hell for heresy and Nicholas III for simony, heralding the arrival of Boniface VIII and Celestine V in the fire."
"It's astonishing how brazenly Bergoglio twists and corrupts Catholicism," Leastar told Church Militant when asked what led him to paint the provocative portraits of Francis and his favored cardinals and bishops."
"There is a war going on, and it is being played out on different levels politically and culturally but ultimately it is a religious war, and Francis is a key figure. For me, he and his sycophants are a strange and dark miracle," Leastar said."
"If art does not engage with this, what use is it? In my arrogance I see myself as a bit player," the artist added, remarking on his own unimportance and little influence in the situation. "However, I believe the heroes in this war are in convents and monasteries, whose names we may never know."
"Rich in Symbolism" "Leastar's paintings are pregnant with literary and biblical allusions, including Jesus warning that it would be better for one to have a millstone around his neck and be drowned in the sea rather than cause "one of these little ones who believe in me to sin" (Matthew 18:6)."
"The artist depicts a glum-looking Francis sitting on a jetty and twiddling his thumbs. Behind him is the sea, and a noose around the pope's neck is tied to a large millstone resting against a wooden post." (More at article link)
Illustrations of the various paintings described are included in the article.
I left for the “True, Holy and Apostolic Catholic & Orthodox Church” 2 years ago and NEVER looked back. My wife and I were just reflecting on how we miss nothing from the (Latin) Church. Bergolio and his ally Mr. Scratch have prevailed against it, what more need be said?
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