BTW, sponsored by Dan Burton, Torricelli and Jesse Helms. Strange bedfellows indeed.
However, some say that Title III is not there to protect the interests of Americans, whether born in the US or naturalised. They say that the threat of US lawsuits is a deterrent from international companies from doing business in Cuba.
A statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba notes that “If Title III were to be applied as established by this law and as threatened by the US State Department, each and every Cuban and community in the country will bear witness to the way in which the lawsuits are filed before US courts claiming for the ownership of the house they live in, the workplace they work at, the school their children attend, the polyclinic where they are provided with medical care, the parcels where their neighborhoods have been built.”
From a Cuban minister, Bruno Rodriguez:
The Helms-Burton Act is illegal, inapplicable and is void of any value or legal effect. Consequently, any claim filed under this law by a natural or juridical person, regardless of their citizenship or nationality, will be rendered null.
And from a comment on that site:
Sr. Bruno, lo ilegal es que roben como lo han hecho en Cuba la familia Casto y sus compinches. Eso no solo es ilegal si no inmoral.
Mr. Bruno, the illegal thing is to steal as the Castro family and their cronies have done in Cuba. That is not only illegal but immoral.
Crazy. Sounds like the Virgin Islands suing JP Morgan over Epstein level BS.