Posted on 12/19/2022 12:14:03 AM PST by blueplum
New battle lines are being drawn in the US by a right-wing Christian movement set on what it sees as its divine mission - to spread its beliefs and messages using political power. So what is Christian nationalism and why is it flourishing now?/...
...God and country is one of the oldest and most influential currents in US politics. It ebbs and flows throughout American history.
It's at high tide now because conservative Christians feel they're on the losing end of demographic and cultural changes. ....
...What's different now about such Christian political activism is that the country is no longer majority white and Christian, says Jones, noting that the shift into a demographic minority happened when the country had its first African-American president, Barack Obama.....
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Sure i have no problem with God in the govt, as long he is represented by the Catholic Church.
Yep that’,ll do!
And I’m fine with Christians in government.
I think that we can see where this is heading.
That’s what that “Respect for Marriage Act” is all about. Forcing Christians to accept anti-biblical morality.
“The Brits, who have a state-sanctioned religion, and whose monarch is the head of their Anglican church, appear suddenly confused by the concept of “one nation, under God’”
And, they’re just making this up.
I lived here my whole life of course and have no idea who they’re talking about.
BBC= British Bull Crap.
(noting that the shift into a demographic minority happened when the country had its first African-American president, Barack Obama.)
This is indeed a fact. I recognized what he is from the get-go.
And he has continued to confirm it.
Well, liberal, let me explain something to you.
You sought the removal of the Constitutional protections by removing the right to exercise religion freely. Without the Constitution, it’s the strongest person who can impose his order.
If Christians decide to become militant, there are enough gun-toting Christians to impose their desired order upon everybody else and you destroyed the mechanism, the Constitution, that protected you from us.
Good luck.
Pope Francis and his horde of demons? Really?
It’s not the Christians making changes.. It’s the left removing God and seeing the change in society.
It was Obama who came and said we are not a Christian nation and he also said he would fundamentally change this nation.. Also that the Muslim call to prayer was the sound he lived most.
That was changing what we lived and believed, to a religion that the God we knew, was not the one they knew.
The change came from the left.. The right resisted taking our God.. A man coming from another country and a basic fundamental change taking place.
For example, parents do not "own" their own children, the schools and government do. You cannot speak freely in ways that oppose the perversion of the Woke Movement. The list goes on and on.
The left wants to engage a “Night of the Broken Glass” type event against white christians. That us also why the left pushes gun control so aggressively.
That is why the left pushes gun control so aggressively. It disproportionately impacts mostly Republican leaning constituencies which tend to be white christians. Leftists want them disarmed to more easily engage a “Night of the Broken Glass” type event against them.
I agree with you that is likely their long-term plan. A few nights of sudden attack by the liberals, where there is an information black-out across the country, could conceivably result in 80 million dead Christians in America.
I don’t think there are many here who think something like that can happen in America, with the numbers that are out of Nazi Germany or Stalin Russia. A single man, who can kill suddenly all night long, can easily kill 100 people before he might be stopped. Multiply one million liberals, each taking out 100 people.
BTW, if you eliminate free speech, you restrict/isolate freedom of "thought" because, though a person can think whatever they want, they can't share those thoughts and ideas and that means that such ideas and thoughts cannot spread (ergo they die).
The surprise would be on their side, so I can stand by that.
Assuming that there are enough survives, it would be civil with the intent of eliminating the liberal. I agree with you there.
yeah things have been going great for the past 60 years, sarc we need to worry about those Christians and thier beliefs ruining everything we have gained, sarc
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