The Rino’s in the House and Senate are
going to be a continuous problem for MAGA.
‘We got our clock cleaned’
As with most everything a little cleaning, shining, direction
adjustment, reorganizing, etc. etc. etc. are needed at times.
Just look at the land called N. America and the changes that
has occurred since Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492.
*Redskins were rounded up and put on reservation.
*White male ruled the roost from gov’t on down.
*Africans were brought in to plow/plant/harvest the crops, the
females were brought in to wash the clothes, cooked food, tend
the children.
*A civil war was fought in the mid 1800s to free the slaves.
*Two major world wars was fought along with Korean conflict.
*Man has set foot on the moon and flown thru a lot of the universe
*Many, many other things and there will many new things coming.
My life span is nearing completion but I’ve enjoyed it and
would love to be able to see the next century as it unfolds.