So just because some bipolar rapper goes off the rails and starts complaining about Jews, she actually thinks gentiles will get onboard for another Holocaust? Are all gentiles secretly antisemitic and only holding it in abeyance until some antisemitic celebrity speaks out? She makes it sound like all non-Jews are just waiting for a greenlight to go full Nazi. This is just paranoid and crazy, not to mention offensive. If someone criticizes black people does that mean they want to resurrect slavery? Bunch of loons.
71% of American Jews likely think so.
I remember a poll of American Jews, taken shortly before Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ was set for release. The poll asked, Do you think The Passion will result in anti-Jewish pograms in America?
71% of American Jews said, Yes.
I never forgot that number. It really brought home the level of fear and distrust with which many American Jews view gentiles.