Trump has met with Kanye before, probably at The White House., and after he had the election stolen from him. Saw in one headline that Kanye asked him to be his V.P. choice during this most recent visit. When Kanye was married to Kim Kardashian, I know she was at The White House once or twice, and attended the signing of the prison reform Bill she had pushed for. From what I understand, Kanye has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder.
Trump is a very gracious man, and will meet with people like Kanye and others to keep the channels of communication open. And unfortunately, he sometimes has to meet with assholes like Kevin McCarthy, and other Republicans who have stabbed him in the back.
It may be that he invited Kanye, and Fuentes was along for the ride.
I just watched Paul Joseph Watson’s take on it at his “anything goes” website. He makes it sound like it didn’t go well. Who knows. I wonder what was Breibart’s point in publishing the article.
Trump will meet with anyone who he thinks can be of use to him.