“they offer no proof” - you required no proof of the vax efficacy or safety before irresponsibly advocating them.
“At a run rate of 10M deaths a ye” - does it matter who the 10 mil are? Young, old? What if sterility is thrown in as well? This is a more complex concept than you make it out to be!
You’re backsliding!
Ahhhh the accusation of no merit and with no knowledge. Nice try to pivot though.
This post says there are 10 M people a week dying and that there are documents to prove so. So where are they? It posted on the blog
Simple math fails you. Assuming that this horse crap is correct (it is not but let’s play the game) that means that 0.125% of the worlds population will die per annum. While it is obvious that it not happening — the premise is this is “depopulation”. This is not a depopulation event.
So you cleverly try and work infertility on the conversation. Zero proof of same. You just can’t deal with the facts so you try and scare manger
I love the whataboutism. Clever. There was clinical trials of volunteers in phases 1-3 of the vaccination process. How soon you forget wrap speed. You know, the guy who accelerated the process by buying the vaccine prior to clinical trials. Clinical trials were done. Far more objective evidence than some putz posting on expose
Your arguments are typical of someone who has nothing to argue with. I spoke ON POINT to this article. You just throw mud and hope something sticks. Nothing is sticking.