So Rat Party scum win both in the Senate and House.And Begich was surely funded by the Rats.
CHUCK ANOTHER STATE FOR THE RATS! AZ HAS TURNED BLUE!! Stupid FREAKING PEOPLE YOU WILL SUFFER THE SAME EFFIN FATE AS CALIFORNIA, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Georgia, once they get their tentacles around the neck of the state they will never let go. You will never ever again see a Republican president. This nation is lost let us just understand that fact. The cheating is over the top and there is no one to help us stop it. When you have a republican governor congratulating the theft that took place on election night and congratulate the thieves who stole it you know damn well this nation so screwed! Sooner or later the people in Arizona are gonna suffer so bad deservedly they’re going to be crying uncle! But there will be nothing they can do because the theft will go on over and over and over again. Let’s face it the only way will get back to honest integrity elections is if we do exactly thing Brazil is doing right now! Other than that we’re just gonna have to bend over all the time and let the rats WIN by cheating and fraud!