To: Lumper20
One of many of Trump’s disastrous picks
To: Armscor38
One of many of Trump’s disastrous picksIf I went back through your posts would I see you posting about Pence being a good pick? /rhetorical question
42 posted on
11/22/2022 11:30:36 AM PST by
(Pride breakfasted with plenty, dined with poverty and supped with infamy. Benjamin Franklin)
To: Armscor38
One of many of Trump’s disastrous picks
Even if you could name all of his "many disastrous picks",
Trump still accomplished more in one 4yr term than any other President in yours or Pence's lifetime.
48 posted on
11/22/2022 11:52:07 AM PST by
(Trump accomplished more in one term than any other President in your lifetime.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson