As an Episcopalian from early childhood, I got used to the morning/evening readings and prayers. I eventually had to change denominations because the Episcopal Church changed too much for me. I still do the Daily Office that includes morning and evening readings and prayers. (The readings include an OT passage, Psalms, an NT passage, and a Gospel reading — it’s a three-year cycle that takes you through the whole Bible.) The readings today:
AM Psalm 88; PM Psalm 91, 92
Joel 2:28-3:8; James 1:16-27; Luke 16:1-9
Spurgeon was right. Besides, I better read in the morning to keep myself on track! Evenings, it would be nice to listen, I think, and look forward to trying that. I do thank you for your suggesting Suchet. I have my little Evensong playlist, too, that is nice. (I guess I’m weird: I somehow discovered Gregorian chant when very young, long before it got cool, and fell in love with it.) I like Sacred Harp/Shape Note singing, too, but maybe you have to be from East Tennessee/Western North Carolina for that:
It’s not well known, but those outside the area might remember it from the movie Cold Mountain (Charles Wesley’s hymn Idumea):