Typically, when we notice a large increase in mask usage, we go home look at the local news web pages or look at the paper and there is some hysterical story about how Covid is coming back and it is more dangerous than ever. After a couple weeks things settle down and once again the people who are wearing masks are very old, have mental problems or are shoplifting or engaging in some other form of criminal activity. Just an observation...
I live in a modest size blue state metro area. Mask wearers are in the minority, but their numbers are still significant. What is really disturbing IMO is mask less adults forcing infants/toddlers to wear masks while they go mask free..
I live in a modest size blue state metro area. Mask wearers are in the minority, but their numbers are still significant. What is really disturbing IMO is mask less adults forcing infants/toddlers to wear masks while they go mask free..
I told the shop keepers in my town (small town, only 1200 residents) that if they ever saw me come into their place of business wearing a mask it meant “I’M GONNA ROB YA”!
Nobody ever demanded that I wear a mask.