Equity issues surrounding Chapter 62F are a “legitimate gripe,” House Ways and Means Chairman Aaron Michlewitz told reporters last week.
It’s just unreal. If you don’t pay a dime in net income tax, how can you possibly be entitled to a “refund” in any amount? A fair flat rate times your income tax paid is a rudimentary mathematical calculation. Any percentage times zero is zero. I’m sure all the people who feel slighted at missing out on a check from the government can’t perform that math or see the fairness.
Reading my own response, I can see the entitlement mentality that has been bolstered by the fact that you can get a federal tax “refund” even if you don’t pay any taxes — different “credits” add up to become a “refund” of something you never paid.
The same way illegal invaders who cannot LEGALLY hold a job in the USA can file a 1040 & get a “REFUND” for Child Tax Credit...Over $4000.