Nearby Ridgefield has a median family income of nearly $200K and a median home price of $850k. Streets are full of BMWs, Teslas and Lexus's. There is a lunch place there that serves $20 hamburgers. I know only because I ate there. This is one of those super liberal towns with the Black Lives Matter yard sign everywhere. Yet the town is 97% white with only 0.4% black so you are a black man walking through that neighborhood, and you aren't pushing a lawn mower or carrying a leaf blower, you are going to get 911 called on you.
Sad to say but the liberal elite around here are the most racist people I have ever met.
A few towns over from Ridgefield, in Bridgeport, the median family income is under $40K and nearly a quarter of the population is below the poverty line. But even that doesn't tell the whole story. According to 2010 census data, Bridgeport MSA, containing all of Fairfield County, is the most economically unequal region in America, with 57% of the wealth going to the top income quintile
Yep, here in Fairfield county we have the most billionaires of any county in the US. Park your Lambo at the country club, pal, and strut right in. Even mere multi-millionaires are welcome!
In addition, Connecticut school districts are by town, not by county. Thus some amazing public schools in the wealthy towns are as outstanding as any private school in most places.