The letter was signed by
Josef Mengele
I am sure this assbag will get right on it also...
Garland told to protect child mutilators.
More Leftist projection!
Just like the Biden/DOJ claim of "White supremacists" and "Domestic Terrorists"...
It’s a lie. The “threats” are not about violence. They are threats to expose the mutilation procedures the hospitals are performing on minors. Aparently they think no one can disagree with what they are doing.
Awwwwwwwwww. Too bad “ASSociations”
You mistreat children then act like crybabies when there are justifiable responses.
Go straight to hell and take this terribke AG with you
I’m certain they will “catch” someone. They can’t find the real terrorists Janes Revenge but they’ll find some poor sap for this.
Not gonna hold my breath for the DOJ to prosecute the hospitals who have committed actual violence by mutilating innocent children...
“From Boston to Akron to Nashville to Seattle, children’s hospitals, academic health systems and physicians are being targeted and threatened for providing evidence-based health care,”
False. The medical evidence is that any surgical and hormone “trans treatments” done on persons who have not completed puberty and reached maturity, does not even “aid” their “trans” experience in adulthood, but actually negates its success.
” and remember garlic,
if you cant find any,
Another letter requesting the DOJ investigate, written by the DOJ, to send to the DOJ, for the FBI to make the DOJ happy.
You would think Congress might be the place to settle this. Apparently this Congress is overstocked with spineless cowards on one side...
In about five years, when these mutilated kids wake up from this fad, the lawsuits are going to fly and I hope Merrick Garland is first on the list.
Baby killing’ ultra mega maga types no doubt.
I don’t believe it, unless they are sending the threats to themselves to try to make the right look bad.
Hoax threats.
Where have I seen this political tactic before? Oh yes, the public schools and the bad parents who need to be investigated.
Bunch of crap.
Wait ....people are upset world renowned hospitals are becoming beacons of human mutilation?
What a laugh..../S
The children you mutilate will exact revenge 20 years from now...
Wait for the Streisand effect.
People will next ask: why are people threatening children’s hospitals?
Then they’ll learn that these children’s hospitals are amputating the breasts of young girls and castrating young boys.
Then watch it hit the fan.