Europe energy crisis is self inflicted by those idiots trying to fight the “climate crisis”.
They are obviously blaming it on Putin, but they got themselves into it by outsourcing energy to Russia.
People are scared of winter, businesses are closing (apparently breweries and bakeries are using a lot of energy!).
The implemented solutions are making things even worse.
Giving people free money to pay for energy, implementing maximum prices etc., just increases the price more and/or reduces the supply.
The economy is simple - there is not enough energy there.
To balance supply/demand the prices have to go up or massive shortages will develop.
The only way out of this conundrum is to make more energy!
But German chancellor is against it, so this will not happen!
During the reign of Cali’s Gov Grey Out Davis a lot of high energy use companies shut down, declared bankruptcy or went out of business due to energy costs