What else to expect? Memphis populated by blacks (democrats by default) and white liberal democrats.
Willy Horton on steroids.
And, there was a female jogger downtown that was attacked downtown a couple days age. Some by-standers saw the man grab her and the perp had to fight off the by-standers as well as the victim. He’s in jail for now awaiting trial, but he is a known sex offender. Just another of one of those lovely homeless people that are wandering the streets mentally ill, fighting addictions, and an allergy to working. Or, they’re pissing or sh*tting on the streets and sidewalks. Or, they’re passed out. Or, they get too aggressive panhandling. We’re “blessed” with another Democrat Mayor who has recently appointed our brand new police chief imported from New Orleans. Oh, yay. The State law says no camping or living on public spaces and gets ignored.
In other words...a lone wolf. Typical liberal speak.
So? The stranger should be executed.
There was a time when the good citizens of the community would help the culprit out of jail and take care of business. Some times they would take the nonfunctioning DA along as well and get the whole job done at one sweep.