Posted on 09/06/2022 7:35:32 PM PDT by Nextrush
Announce you are running. Pivot to fixing our problems. Do it sir, do it soon.
Call me cynical, but the DEMs would have just manufactured more votes to make up the difference. Maybe not 81M+, but enough in the swing states to win the EV.
I was under the impression that the FBI had Hunter’s laptop for months prior to the election.
I believe they've had it since the fall of 2019.
And you thought it was a felony to make illegal in kind political contributions with taxpayer money.
the democrats cheated
the democrat party should be banned as a criminal enterprise
So where is the laptop now?
is wray out of town on vacation?
he likes to be unavailable when the shtf
“I believe they’ve had it since the fall of 2019.”
Indeed it was, November 2019 to be more precise.
I believe that is well outside of the 6 months the FBI typically restricts themselves from actively looking into criminal acts by current political candidates.
They are as political and corrupt as the day is long.
Sadly, I have no respect for the DOJ or FBI, on the contrary, I find them wholly contemptible. That was not always the case.
At this point, I have to believe that every department in the Federal government system is corrupt...IRS, State Department, Pentagon, etc. They've all been politicized for a very long time, and all need to be completely cleansed.
Disband the FBI?…not good enough. Abolish the name, forbid it from ever being spoken. An historic, monumental, corrupted, national disgrace.
The lesson learned is that you only give evidence to the FBI after giving it to Kim Dotcom, Julian Assange, and hundreds of others in cyberspace so the FBI can’t bury it.
Not only politicized but armed.
Rudy and the computer repair guy made copies of the hard drive before they turned over the laptop to the FBI. If they had not done so and let the FBI know that fact before they turned it over, that laptop would have “disappeared” a long time ago.
Everything bad that The FBI did was because of that one guy. /sarc
Yes, the FBI had Hunter’s laptop in November 2019.
It would take one week to verify the laptop was genuine and not a fabrication.
But that did not stop the FBI, DOJ and Intel Community from spending 12 months insinuating the laptop was Russian disinformation, which the media went right along with.
That did not stop the FBI, DOJ and Intel Community from ordering Facebook Twitter, Google, etc to suppress the story including banning the NY Post reporting on the hard drive contents.
This was election interference and absolutely illegal.
Nothing will be done, even if we elect a GOP House and Senate.
The corruption is so deep and intractable that the POTUS is calling half the nation “a threat” which means the power of gov’t is going to be used against us.
Did any of this stop the $80 billion to expand the IRS into another arm of the DNC? $80 billion is more than Russia spends on its military annually.
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