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To: ebb tide

...and like Hillary, Comey, Sharpton, et al, nothing happens to them because the DOJ/FBI are a big part of the problem.

7 posted on 09/04/2022 9:54:41 AM PDT by econjack (I'm not bossy. I just know what you should be doing.)
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Ten BRAND NEW Hunter Biden Scandals the Nets Are Censoring
Geoffrey Dickens
August 30th, 2022 10:10AM

When will the dam break?

ABC, CBS and NBC’s evening and morning news programs continue to hold back from their audiences the latest shocking revelations surrounding Hunter Biden’s various scandals.

Not even the stunning news that whistleblowers claimed FBI officials told employees (prior to the 2020 election) to slow-walk the Hunter Biden laptop investigation and Mark Zuckerberg’s confession that the FBI told Facebook to censor Hunter’s laptop scandal got the Big Three networks to break their ongoing blackout.

A new poll underlines how the liberal media elites may have turned the tide of a presidential election with 79 percent of respondents saying “truthful” coverage of Hunter’s laptop scandal would have changed the 2020 outcome.

Because they are so in the tank for the Biden administration the broadcast networks remain stubborn in their refusal to report on evidence that links directly to the President himself like e-mails from Hunter’s laptop and White House visitor logs that disprove his claim he “never” spoke to Hunter about his “business dealings.”

The lack of Hunter scandal coverage is something NewsBusters has been tracking on an almost daily basis since March 16, when the New York Times finally confirmed that Hunter’s laptop is real and not an example of “Russian disinformation.” If the liberal broadcast networks were waiting for an all-clear to admit the explosive Hunter laptop story (that was first broken by the New York Post way back on October 14, 2020) was real and legitimate, that was it. That still hasn’t spurred them to cover the wayward son’s mischievous and criminal activities that could hurt the Biden administration.

Back in June, NewsBusters ran down seven Hunter imbroglios that the networks virtually ignored. In early July, NewsBusters reported on 10 Hunter scandals that they refused to cover.

The following are ten BRAND NEW Hunter scandals that have been revealed since then and how ABC, CBS and NBC have covered or, more accurately, not covered them:

Mark Zuckerberg Admits FBI Told Facebook to Censor Hunter Biden Scandal

On August 26, the New York Post reported the following:

Facebook suppressed The Post’s blockbuster revelation of Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop in response to a vague FBI warning about possible “Russian propaganda” tied to the 2020 presidential election, according to founder Mark Zuckerberg.

The tech billionaire and Meta CEO made the stunning claim during a wide-ranging, nearly three-hour interview in which he also admitted to podcaster Joe Rogan that he regretted the move and admitted that “it sucks.”

“Basically, the background here is the FBI, I think, basically came to us — some folks on our team — and was like, ‘Hey, just so you know, like, you should be on high alert,’” Zuckerberg said on Thursday’s episode of “The Joe Rogan Experience.”

Zuckerberg told Rogan, “We just kind of thought: Hey, look, if the FBI, which I still view is a legitimate institution in this country, it’s a very professional law enforcement — they come to us and tell us that we need to be on guard about something, then I want to take that seriously.”

In response, Facebook limited sharing of The Post’s October 2020 scoop about the contents of a laptop computer that the first son allegedly left at a Delaware repair shop in April 2019 and never retrieved.

ABC, CBS, NBC evening and morning show coverage: 0 seconds

Whistleblowers Claim FBI Told Employees to Slow-Walk Hunter Investigation Until After Election
On August 25, reported the following:

FBI officials told agents not to investigate Hunter Biden’s so-called “laptop from hell” for months due to concerns about influencing the 2020 presidential election, whistleblowers told Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis.

According to Johnson, “individuals with knowledge” of the Hunter Biden case told his office that the investigation was intentionally slowed on orders from “local FBI leadership.”

“While I understand your hesitation to investigate a matter that may be related to an ongoing investigation, it is clear to me based on numerous credible whistleblower disclosures that the FBI cannot be trusted with the handling of Hunter Biden’s laptop,” Johnson claimed in a letter to Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz.

According to the whistleblowers, FBI officials told employees, “You will not look at that Hunter Biden laptop.”

“These new allegations provide even more evidence of FBI corruption and renew calls for you to take immediate steps to investigate the FBI’s actions regarding the laptop,” Johnson added.

ABC, CBS, NBC evening and morning show coverage: 0 seconds

Hunter Met with Joe Biden, Right After Business Meetings with Romanian Tycoon

On August 13, the New York Post reported the following:

Hunter Biden met with his father multiple times while working for a Romanian real estate tycoon accused of corruption — an effort that netted Joe Biden’s second son and associates “millions” of dollars, a source close to the arrangement told The Post.

The timing of the meetings between the then-vice president and his son have raised questions about the “full truth” of the involvement with Hunter Biden’s overseas business dealings, critics said.

The calendared gabfests between father and son were found during a search of a laptop hard drive which Hunter Biden abandoned in a Delaware repair shop in April 2019, and fly in the face of past denials from President Biden that he had no part in his son’s overseas business dealings.

Hunter Biden began working for Gabriel Popoviciu in the spring of 2015, insiders say. The Romanian wanted Hunter Biden’s help fighting a conviction stemming from his purchase of a 550-acre parcel of government-owned land for a steep discount.

ABC, CBS, NBC evening and morning show coverage: 0 seconds

Hunter’s Laptop Repairman Claims FBI Agent Threatened Him
On August 11, the New York Post reported the following:

The computer repair shop owner who blew the whistle on Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop claims in a new book that an FBI agent threatened him to stay silent.

John Paul Mac Isaac said two federal agents came to his Mac Shop in Wilmington, Del. in December 2019 to recoup the laptop following a subpoena, he details in his new book “American Injustice: My Battle to Expose the Truth.”

The repairman, who had volunteered to hand the laptop over to the feds two months earlier, said the alleged threat came after he made a joke, telling them: “Hey, lads, I’ll remember to change your names when I write the book.”

“Agent Wilson kept walking but Agent DeMeo paused and turned to face me,” Paul Mac writes of the encounter.

Isaac said the agent then told him: “It is our experience that nothing ever happens to people that don’t talk about these things.”

ABC, CBS, NBC evening and morning show coverage: 0 seconds

Chinese Energy Execs with Ties to Hunter Met with Joe Biden at White House
On August 5, The Daily Mail reported the following:

Two Chinese businessmen with ties to Hunter Biden’s company met with Joe Biden at the White House and followed up with the VP’s son days later with a fawning email and invitation, records reveal. The meeting is the fifteenth to be uncovered between Joe and businessmen linked to Hunter.

Executives for Chinese energy company Wanxiang secured a meeting with the vice president in the West Wing in July 2014 with just one day’s notice, according to White House visitor logs.

A client of Hunter’s company Seneca Global Advisors partnered with Wanxiang in 2012 on a $1.25billion natural gas plant in China.

The ceremony for the signing of the deal between Hunter’s client GreatPoint Energy and Wanxiang was attended by then Chinese vice president Xi Jinping.

Wanxiang is a major Chinese company, and also partnered with the North Korean state for a giant copper mine.

Through his firm Rosemont Seneca Partners, Hunter also invested in a car company, Fisker, that was later bought by Wanxiang. After the company went bankrupt in 2013, Hunter was listed as a creditor on its filings.

He bought one of its electric sports cars for $142,300.

According to the White House visitor logs, Wanxiang America president Pin Ni met with Joe on July 25, 2014.

Four days later, Ni emailed Hunter offering help servicing his Fisker sports car. “Last Friday when we visited DC, I heard that your Fisker is out of order and could not get serviced. Sorry,” Ni wrote. “It would be our honor to get your Fisker fixed….I would like to give you a call to see what we could do as next step.” “It would be our great honor to welcome you to visit Fisker or Wanxiang at any time.”

ABC, CBS, NBC evening and morning show coverage: 0 seconds

At Least 14 of Hunter’s Business Associates Met with Then-VP Joe Biden
On July 28, reported the following:

President Biden met with at least 14 of Hunter Biden’s business associates while he was vice president in the Obama White House, casting further doubt on the president’s repeated claims that he had no knowledge of his son’s foreign business dealings.

“I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings,” Biden said in 2019.

But the president met with at least 14 of Hunter’s business associates from the U.S., Mexico, Ukraine, China and Kazakhstan over the course of his vice presidency, a Fox News Digital review found.

Two of Hunter’s Mexican business associates, Miguel Aleman Velasco and Miguel Aleman Magnani visited the West Wing on Feb. 26, 2014, according to the Obama White House visitor logs, and Joe was later photographed with Hunter giving Velasco and Magnani a tour of the White House Brady Press Briefing room.

“Do you have pictures from the lunch I had in dad’s office (I think on 2/26) with Miguel Alleman [sic] Sr. And Jr. And Jeff Cooper? If so let me know and I can send someone to pick them up. Thanks. How was Kiev?” Hunter wrote in an April 2014 email to David Lienemann, Biden’s official photographer during his 8 years as vice president.

ABC, CBS, NBC evening and morning show coverage: 0 seconds

Joe Biden’s “Big Guy” Alias Confirmed

On July 27, the New York Post’s Miranda Devine reported the following:

One of Hunter Biden’s former business partners referred to Joe Biden as “the Big Guy” in a panicked message the same day The Post broke news of the infamous laptop from hell left behind by the president’s son, The Post has learned.

James Gilliar, a former British special forces officer with ties to UK intelligence services, discussed The Post’s exclusive report with an unnamed person on Oct. 14, 2020, according to the message provided by a whistleblower to GOP congressional investigators probing the laptop.

In the message, Gilliar, 58, reassured the person that the revelations about Biden’s apparent involvement in his son’s foreign deals would not be damaging — regardless of the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. Gilliar was asked if “Hunter and/or Joe or Joe’s campaign [would] try to make it ‘Oh, we were never involved’ … and try to basically make us collateral damage?”

“I don’t see how that would work for them…,” Gilliar responded in the 6:07 p.m. message reviewed by The Post. “I think in the scenario that he wins they would just leave sleeping dogs lie,” Gilliar added. “If they lose, honestly, I don’t think that the Big Guy really cares about that because he’ll be too busy focusing on all the other s–t he is doing.”

The identity of the “big guy” has since formed part of the grand jury investigation in Wilmington, Del., into Hunter’s business dealings — as calls ramped up to have President Biden, who has repeatedly denied any involvement in his son’s dealings, included in a conspiracy probe.

Gilliar had referenced the “big guy” as he acted as the driving force behind Hunter and his uncle Jim Biden’s planned multimillion-dollar deal with Chinese energy conglomerate CEFC.

In an email to Hunter, Jim and other partners on May 13, 2017, Gilliar outlined an equity breakdown in which 10% of the lucrative CEFC joint venture would be held by Hunter “for the big guy.”

That email, which was previously revealed by The Post, was found on the laptop Hunter abandoned at a Delaware repair shop in April 2019.

Another former associate of the first son, US Navy veteran Tony Bobulinski, publicly declared in October 2020 that “big guy” was a reference to President Biden — and alleged that Biden was aware of, and involved in, the planned CEFC deal.

ABC, CBS, NBC evening and morning show coverage: 0 seconds

Experts Claim Hunter Biden Most Likely Broke Foreign Lobbying Laws

On July 23, the New York Post reported the following:

Hunter Biden failed to register as a foreign agent during years of overseas business dealings — a possible crime that could finally land him in prison, experts say.

While Biden registered as a lobbyist for domestic interests (a gig which so annoyed President Obama that Biden was forced to drop it in 2008), he never registered under the federal Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).

The 1938 law has in recent years been employed to shine a light on foreign advocacy and lobbying in the US. It mandates individuals acting as “an agent, representative, employee, or servant … at the order, request, or under the direction or control of a ‘foreign principal,’” must register with the US government. Failing to do so is a crime punishable by up to five years in federal prison and a $250,000 fine.

“Foreign principal” is broadly defined, and can include government officials, foreign corporations, political organizations, influential private interests and more.

The Post’s examination of Biden’s infamous abandoned laptop in the last year has exposed myriad foreign business schemes the then-Vice President’s son tried to shepherd. Last week The Post revealed dozens of sit-downs between Hunter and Joe Biden that were frequently scheduled just days after Hunter visited with foreign officials.

“The recent disclosures of additional foreign contacts has only strengthened what was already a strong case. Indeed, in the last few weeks, the compelling basis for a FARA charge has becomes unassailable and undeniable,” said George Washington University Law Professor Jonathan Turley, who has testified before Congress on the issue. “The influence peddling schemes directly reference the President and [Joe Biden] is repeatedly cited as a possible recipient of funds,” Turley continued.

ABC, CBS, NBC evening and morning show coverage: 0 seconds

Republicans Seek Answers About Oil Sale to Hunter-Linked China Company
On July 20, the New York Post reported the following:

Republicans on the House Oversight Committee sent a letter to Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm on Wednesday demanding to know why the Biden administration sold oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to a Chinese company linked to Hunter Biden’s investment firm.

Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), the top GOP member on the panel, and 18 of his colleagues are questioning why the Department of Energy exported 900,000 barrels of oil to Unipec America — a subsidiary of Sinopec, a Chinese-owned gas company that received billions of dollars from an investment firm connected to the disgraced first son.

“The decision to sell to Unipec raises questions about why the Biden Administration is selling oil from the SPR to China, especially when the sale may enrich Hunter Biden, the President’s son,” the letter says.

“This transaction is even more troubling given that evidence continues to mount showing the Biden family peddled access to the highest levels of government to enrich themselves,” added Comer.

The GOP members went on to request a briefing from the Energy Department and documents related to the sale: “[T]o ensure the American people that DOE and the Biden Administration are properly managing the sale of critical assets from the SPR and not further enriching the Biden family, we request a briefing and documents related to this matter.”

In a statement to The Post, Comer said “under no circumstances should the Department of Energy be making decisions which financially benefit Hunter Biden or any of the Biden family’s business partners.”

ABC, CBS, NBC evening and morning show coverage: 0 seconds

Hunter’s Laptop Reveals Dozens of Meetings with Father and Business Partners
On July 16, the New York Post reported the following:

Hunter Biden met with his father at least 30 times at the White House or the vice president’s residence, often just days after he returned home from overseas business jaunts.

The breakfasts, lunches and other gabfests between 2008 and 2016 raise questions about whether Hunter was relaying messages to his father on behalf of foreign clients, and cast new doubt on the president’s repeated denials that he had any role in his son’s shady overseas business dealings.

The meetings were found in a review of the personal calendar on Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop.

Eric Schwerin, the president of Hunter Biden’s investment company Rosemont Seneca Partners, is named as a calendar invite recipient on 21 of 30 listed meetings, with a green check frequently indicating his confirmed receipt of the invite for meetings with the vice president. Schwerin was a longtime Hunter Biden business confidante, and had access to the elder Biden’s personal financial information.

House GOP Conference Chair Elise Stefanik — who has promised to subpoena Hunter Biden should Republicans win back control of Congress in the 2022 midterm elections — said it was more evidence of corruption.

“Hardly a day goes by without another revelation about how intimately involved Joe Biden was with his son Hunter Biden’s corrupt foreign business dealings. The fact that Joe was in meetings with senior foreign leaders on behalf of Hunter and his business associates while Vice President further proves that Joe has been lying to the American people,” Stefanik told The Post.

ABC, CBS, NBC evening and morning show coverage: 0 seconds

The pattern is clear. ABC, CBS and NBC are so invested in keeping President Joe Biden and Democrats in power that they have engaged in a years-long cover-up of Hunter Biden’s salacious and corrupt dealings — many of which can probably be connected to President Biden himself.

For this study MRC analysts looked at the ABC, CBS, NBC evening and morning shows and their Sunday roundtable programs from March 16 through the morning of August 30.

Bias by Omission
Hunter Biden
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NewsBusters Reader,

It should be obvious that the media have abandoned all pretense of objectivity and become an unapologetic ad agency for the progressive movement – one that infuses left-wing talking points into every issue, from the economic collapse to the energy crisis.

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But we at MRC’s NewsBusters are doing it right. We analyze the media as the threat to democracy they have become and expose the tools of their trade – deceit, bias, omission, and manipulation.

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- The NewsBusters Team

12 posted on 09/04/2022 10:30:18 AM PDT by Liz (MAN PROPOSES....GOD DISPOSES.)
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