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To: EasySt
Unfortunate if true.

Now you gonna stalk Him Too?

Capitalizing "Him" is usually reserved for God.

Again... words on a screen.

If legit, this Q post isn't information.
Just a bunch of leading questions that invite interpretation.

And who exactly is stalking who here exactly?
I got other stuff going on and figured to give you a break.

Wondered what amazingly retarded reasons you could come up with as an explanation.

Go take some more pictures of the sky, sonny.

83 posted on 08/30/2022 11:32:09 AM PDT by humblegunner (Ain't drownin', Just wavin'...)
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To: humblegunner
You are right. I wanted emphasis. I should have italicized it instead,

but I was in a hurry to get the word out. 🐸🤪

Since things ARE looking increasingly Biblical.

I'm still in the same thread found me in, still responding to YOUR insults and
stalking. I know you are not used to that, but why not? The Mods have had no
objection to your stalking. Am I keeping you from it?

Perhaps I should consider returning your attentions in kind.

But while you are still here, do you also think that it is unfortunate that our
President said THIS?p>

84 posted on 08/30/2022 11:57:30 AM PDT by EasySt (Say not this is the truth, but so it seems to me to be, as I see this thing I think I see. #MAGAA)
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To: humblegunner
Capitalizing "Him" is usually reserved for God.

And Bagster.

89 posted on 08/31/2022 8:34:44 PM PDT by bagster ("Even bad men love their mamas".)
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