As somebody on another site pointed out: "If the affidavit was bad news for President Trump, none of it would have been redacted."
If ANYTHING would have incriminated Trump in any way then it would have been leaked already to their favorite yellow newspapers. That they haven’t speaks volumes. as usual, they’re the one’s that are dirty, not Trump.
Now, what do they do next?
“If the affidavit was bad news for President Trump, none of it would have been redacted.”
Absolutely! Simple logic. So simple even a Democrat can understand it.
Trump is demanding that EVERYTHING be shown but they won’t do it. They’re covering their asses.
I think it was Posobiec who said they can’t legitimately use the excuse of hiding names of informants, because names of informants, even their undercover names, aren’t ever in these types of docs. Referred to as #1, #2, etc.