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To: All; bray

“The Sunday Morning Bray”, by Bray!

For the Lord is our judge, the Lord is our lawgiver, the Lord is our king; he will save us.
Isaiah 33:22 (King James Version)

The truth of the vax is slowly leaking out and it is not good. Most of the early skeptics were praying they were wrong yet expected to be right and now with a President who has had at least four shots has been sick now for nearly a month. It could not be more obvious the shot does not work and never did. It is also obvious that the claims people have been making about the shot damaging your immune system is also true.

The damaged immune system is what is the most concerning if not terrifying of the many problems with the vax. If the research people have made outside the medical community are true it cripples your innate immune system at a cellular level. You can see this is happening as the only people catching the Covid today are the previously vaxed and boostered. The unvaxed are immune from this disease while the vaxed are catching it right and left just as we are seeing with President Braindead.

What is most likely happening is people are being exposed to a myriad of viruses throughout the day in their day to day lives and the weak viruses they usually shed with either a sore throat or a headache are becoming more serious and the doctors are labeling it Covid as a catchall. Of course, they have come up with the term of a breakthrough virus to hide the fact only vaxed people are catching these summer colds and now do not have the healthy immune systems to deal with them.

Conversely, the people who have not taken the clot shot are now some of the healthiest people on the planet while the vaxed are being weakened increasingly each month. You are seeing a rash of arthritis and joint problems as it attacks the weakest parts of the body and makes inflamed parts more inflamed. Walking through the stores you see the people who have been frightened to the point of becoming hermits walking around with their masks and ashen skin. It looks like the people have aged ten years in the past two as they look infirmed and bent over, it is as if the gummit was trying to kill as many as possible as quickly as the can with this vaccine and diseases.

The Communist Party knows what is coming in the fall during cold and flu season and plan on taking full advantage of it. An anonymous source inside the Barak Shadow White House has confirmed they are expecting massive sickness and death beginning in October and getting worse as the winter deepens. They plan on more lockdowns and forced mandates to increase the outbreak and planning on ordering all Governors to install last minute mail in ballots to have a repeat of 2020 to minimize the losses in the House and Senate.

This source says they will once again blame the outbreak on the unvaxed and force them to be pressured into getting vaccines and boosters. They are planning on shutting down sporting events and all indoor dining and entertainment as a precaution to stop the spread of the so called Covid 22 which will actually be a common cold or flu but nobody will know the difference. In reality it will be the results of a compromised immune system but the last thing they can do is expose their own malfeasance.

The source said they believe this is the only chance they have of not having massive losses in both Houses of Congress. They are watching the Trump candidates stampeding through the country with no amount of bad press or millions of dollars of commercials having any affect on the outcome. Barak and Valarie Jarret have pushed this idea as it is the only option, they have for winning many of the elections as they are watching minority populations flocking to the Trump agenda. This has the entire Communist Party in panic as these are supposed to be their most loyal groups.

Every candidate needs to be prepared for these shutdowns and last-minute mail-in fraud if they want to win the November elections. One simple solution they have found is turning in your ballot the day of the election can cause havoc in the ballot matching algorithms of the fraud whether it be manufactured ballots or machine tampering, when they get flooded on the last day it is a chink in the ballot stuffing armor.

The Biden Obama3.0 is going to run the same play they ran in 2020 and may get away with it. They will magnify the deaths and hospitalizations so they can force the mandates and shots. There will be at least forty percent of the country who will go along with it since they believe the vax works no matter how much evidence points to just the opposite. The science cult is shrinking but there are plenty of white housewives who will do whatever the DNC and the media tells them.

The Barak Obama shadow gummit has unlimited funding from the Oligarchs around the money being poured into Black Money pipelines and laundered in countries like Ukraine and Cyprus funding Dem candidates across America. He has unlimited paid volunteers to GOTV and mules by the thousands who have already been trained to counter efforts to stop them.

This will be the most fraudulent election in the country’s history. Every patriot better be ready to watch these drop boxes and mandates to assist the steal.

Pray for the vote

Note: The above opinion is not necessarily my own, but FReeper Bray’s. If you wish to discuss this, please ping Bray.

5 posted on 08/07/2022 4:39:08 AM PDT by Alas Babylon! (Rush, we're missing your take on all of this!)
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The lineup looks pretty aimless this morning. Not many narratives except Mace and Meijer as RINO Impeachers... Win some lose some.

Let me know your thoughts, if you see any narratives or themes the DNCMedia is pushing...

6 posted on 08/07/2022 4:51:15 AM PDT by Alas Babylon! (Rush, we're missing your take on all of this!)
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To: Alas Babylon!; bray
U.S. life insurance companies have said that deaths have an unexplainable increased by 40% in 18-49 year olds.

We are seeing the impact of the side effects of the experimental vaccine. Despite efforts to cover this all up, data are coming from all over the world documenting what we have suspected for some time.

One simple solution they have found is turning in your ballot the day of the election can cause havoc in the ballot matching algorithms of the fraud whether it be manufactured ballots or machine tampering, when they get flooded on the last day it is a chink in the ballot stuffing armor.

Good point. The Kari Lake and Joe Kent races seem to bear that out. Let's hope Joe Kent pulls this one out with the results on Monday. He trails by just 257 votes and has been closing for several days. Same day voting is being counted and Kent, like Lake, holds a decided advantage on those votes. GOP turnout for the primaries in general has been up 18% compared to 2018 and the for the Dems it is down 7%.

10 posted on 08/07/2022 5:31:12 AM PDT by kabar
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To: bray
Brilliantly done as usual.

Truth is earlier this week I thought that covid 19 did not exist since several studies of 1,500 samples or more showed it was little more than H1N1 or the flu. Influenza A or B. A few minutes ago I finished listening to this video:

I encourage everyone to view this while it's still up since it will be taken down soon since it's so accurate.Below are just a few of dr. Richard Flemings accomplishments. He's a true rock star of the virus world and knows the real deal when he sees it.

Basically, Fleming has proven that the virus was man made had gain of function from Dasak, at the brriack at the UNC and U-Texas all had a hand in the hand-off to Shi Zhengli in China. She purposely made covid 19 into a man made virus that was deadly to people.

Dr. Fleming in the video claims that tsars 2 is real and man made. Designed by Dasak individuals at UNC and a Texas univ. added gain of function making it man-made and not natural. It has to be considered a bio-weapon accd. to Fleming since it had HIV added to it which does not occur naturally.

Genetic changes were made to the spike protein to make it a bio-weapon.Chi gen li in China bumped the spike protein up. She gave it “gain” bat proteins don't work chi and barrack made the virus much more deadly.

It was combined with bits and pieces of one virus with another resulting in a different protein culminating in a man-made bio-weapon.It causes permanent changes to the body and weakens the immune system.

Fleming goes on to state that:

Without the gain of function there would have been no pandemic it was all planned.


More on Flemings bio below:

Richard M. Fleming

Dr. Richard M. Fleming is a Nuclear and Preventive Cardiologist, born and raised in Waterloo, Iowa, USA. He attended the University of Northern Iowa and has degrees in Physics, Biology, Psychology and Chemistry. He attended the University of Iowa College of Medicine, Creighton University and the University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston. In addition to training in Cardiology he has special Certifications in Positron Emission Tomography. He was Board Certified in Internal Medicine in 1990 and Nuclear Cardiology in 1996. He developed both the Unified Theory of Vascular Disease establishing 'Inflammation” as the cause of coronary and peripheral vascular disease and the Quadratic Blood Flow Equation for Coronary Flow Reserve in the early to mid-1990s. He has published more than 50 papers in peer review medical journals, over 50 presentations at scientific conferences throughout the U.S., Europe and Asia, has authored 8 chapters in Medical Textbooks and written 3 independent books on Health Care. He has served as Faculty and a Professor at various Universities and in 2003 received a Physician of the Year award. His current work on SPECT Cardiac imaging promotes the detection of Vulnerable Inflammatory Plaques (VIPs) through reductions in radiation dosage by using principles similar to the detection of black holes and dark matter.


NIH admits to gain of function in doctoring the virus.The virus’ were intentionally sought to make them more infectious,gain of function,and they accomplished it. Peter Dasak and Ralph Barrick at the UNC as noted before were involved.

there are numbers violations listed by FLeming includeing the code of medical ethics violations, violations of Nuremberg code were had,violations of treaties, US constitution. Many treaties were ignored and violations occurred refused to give informed consent to patients over and over.Fleming claims what was done and is:

nothing short of treason.

No benefit to humanity ever was presented by the shots. Many got sick getting vaccinated. Fleming asks:Why are they getting vaccinated? Supposedly so they don't get sick not so they do get sick.

Pfiza and Moderna show no statistical reduction of getting sick with or without the vaccine.

No virus comes with one flavor. there are many variants. Those who got vaccinated who were afraid,fearful of getting others sick,they got vaccinated,they were lied to. Instead of using multiple virus' to inject people they injected them with only one type. So all the variants left people with no protection for the other virus'. It spread easily and became modified, its now spread to others. The vaccine program makes people more susceptible to newer variants.

The risk reduction of those shot up is between 0.8 and 1.8% or nothing Fleeming. Head of govt. health program said T cell is unimportant which is a lie accd. to Fleming. T-cell response is repressed critical responses are repressed with current jabs.

No integrity in the science accd. to Fleming. Vaccines do noting to reduce covid or death.Once its understood that the vaccines are bio-weapons why would it continue? The vaccine does not stay in the muscle but goes all over the body! It goes everywhere! Goes from muscles to the rest of the body.

Coughing of sneezing on people spreads the virus big time. Instead of tens of thousands of particles, billions are spread! Fifty billions of lipo nano virus particles injected,with healthy people an immune response is mounted. With unhealthy people it is not.

Healthy people can react to overwhelming hit from being sneezed on with billions of particles hitting the un knowing people.

Twenty Five deaths has always been the standard to stop a vaccine that is being researched. Nowadays 25k is not the standard,not enough! Animal studies should have been done first.

Vaers reporting system is faulty accd. to Fleming. It does not work. For other diseases there is a code to use to computerize the disease not so for covid!! There is no universal code to input into the computer. No info ever enters the system.All that was done on purpose.Adverse events cannot be tracked,accd. to Fleming.

No one knows how many people actually had adverse effects due to vaccines.

Few animal studies done on vaccines only a few independent researchers who found that the brain other body organs are damaged.Damages include prion diseases, Alzheimer,mad-cow, all found,blood clotting,miscarriages,no research done by pfiza or moderna or other companies. Animal research should be done!

If vaccines get into the blood and its almost an immediate response accd. to Fleming. Red blood cells turn gray from the jab,the patient cannont get oxygen and dies. Loss of blood to hold oxygen after the initiation of the vaccine they turn Grey under the microscope. All three vaccines keep blood from holding oxygen. The blood molecule has been damaged and is not reversible. Blood begins to clot together clogging veins, consequences include possible death.

Red blood cells only carry oxygen,when its given the shot with rna or dna it permanently changes the red blood cell and can not pick up oxygen,no oxygen no life.

Vaccines have become bio-weapons vaxing kids without knowing what will happen to them is little more than murder. Fauci, Collins don't practice medicine,they have interfered with practice of medicine physicians really don't know what they are doing.

12 posted on 08/07/2022 5:35:44 AM PDT by rodguy911 (HOME OF THE FREE BECAUSE OF THE BRAVE!!)
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To: bray; rodguy911

There is going to be a LOT of sickness this fall due to immune system damage from the shots. The damage is “dose dependent” ..... those with 3 shots (original series + booster) are suffering the worst (majority of hospitalizations & deaths). Those with the 4th shot/booster .... the stats will be catching up with them soon and it’s going to be grim.

The innate immune system also guards against cancer - cancers are on the upswing big time and those who thought their cancers were ‘cured’ or in remission, are seeing their cancers come back. These cancers (new & recurring) tend to be aggressive. For a good article, see this one:

We have a problem.

As for this fall, the “flu” shots that have been planned for the public are likely going to be deadly. This (per Dr. Nass, sounding the alarm) is what they have planned - take at your own risk. BTW, studies are out there that if you get a flu shot (the ‘old’ kind) every year, when you do actually get the flu, the mortality rate is higher .... the flu shot messes with your immune system as well, it appears.

Fall 2022:

The new mRNA Covid shot will contain 3 different strains of Spike protein, probably containing much more spike than the original Covid shots.

The flu shot will also contain 4 different strains within that too and these will be taken as a combination mRNA injection.


One more thing ... patriots in AZ were having ‘tail gate’ parties at drop boxes .... food, beer, good company, making sure the mules weren’t dumping loads of ballots. One group said they know their presence scared off at least one mule. I’m sure the DOJ will find some way to object ... voter suppression or some such thing .... but I am glad to see patriots DOING something/what they can do.

51 posted on 08/07/2022 6:59:04 AM PDT by Qiviut (#standup "Don't let your children die on the hill you refuse to fight on.")
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