Oh. I so want to be on a call where someone expects me to do that.
I was selected for jury duty and have to go get selected first. On the email it had the clerk’s name and then the he/him/ thing at the end.
I will not go along with this crap.
Trying to figure out what I should say as I can’t lie.
“Your name?”
“Hank Smith”
“Preferred pronouns?”
“My name is Hank Smith.”
“Yes, but what are your preferred pronouns?”
“When referring to me in the third person I prefer Mr. Smith.”
“But - I need your preferred pronouns.”
“Please let the judge know that I am not comfortable with answering that question.” (I am supposed to say that if I don’t want to answer a question.)
I would LIKE to say “If the court is this messed up and stupid that it can’t figure out what pronoun to use for me, how can I as a juror think that the defendant is going to get a proper judgement!?”
Any other suggestions on how to answer this in a respectful manner?