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DeSantis' education message is winning in battleground states, teacher union poll finds
| Jul 15 2022
| Marc Caputo and Jonathan Allen
Posted on 07/15/2022 9:20:19 PM PDT by rintintin
TAMPA, Fla. -- Before a friendly audience of conservative moms, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Friday excoriated political opponents of wanting to “sexualize” children and warp kids’ understanding of race and history.
The charged campaign rhetoric in remarks to the Moms for Liberty group was usual fare for DeSantis — and a major reason why he’s in the top tier of potential GOP presidential candidates who now sits on an unprecedented $130 million war chest.
But the political backdrop was as atypical as unexpected: The day before his speech, one of the national teacher unions that opposes him released a battleground-state survey showing voters approve of DeSantis’ education policy positions, and even some of his rhetoric.
The American Federation of Teachers circulated the poll, conducted by the Democratic firm Hart Research, as a call to arms for its members and allies to emphasize more popular proposals like spending more on schools and reducing class sizes, and de-emphasize fights that center on cultural issues.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: District of Columbia; US: Florida
KEYWORDS: 2024; cnbc; desantis; desantis2024; desantis2028; desantisiswinning; desantisnow; desantisshill; desantistout; education; fl; florida; genderdysphoria; homosexualagenda; jonathanallen; marccaputo; mediawingofthednc; messageiswinning; msnbc; nbc; nobrainscollectively; panicporn; partisanmediashill; partisanmediashills; ready4ron; rintinshill; rintintin; rintintout; rondesantis; ronklain; teachers; unions; whoops
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posted on
07/15/2022 9:20:19 PM PDT
To: rintintin
Collectivism never surrenders. They only do tactical adjustments.
posted on
07/15/2022 9:23:03 PM PDT
To: rintintin
Unions are the number one threat to freedom and liberty.
posted on
07/15/2022 9:24:47 PM PDT
(First, they stole our elections. Then, they stole our country.)
To: rintintin
Nuts, just when the “jam it down their throats” strategy was starting to get traction.
posted on
07/15/2022 9:26:47 PM PDT
Steely Tom
([Voter Fraud] == [Civil War])
To: rintintin
posted on
07/15/2022 9:34:05 PM PDT
To: lurk
Exactly, the translation of their message is “Stop talking about this stuff publicly. Wait until things cool down, then we can ramp it back up”.
To: rintintin
All you need to know that those pushing DeSantis as an alternative to Trump are not good people is to look at the home page of the source of this article. A glowing article about DeSantis, and several blatantly outright negative slanted Propaganda articles about Trump. The Dichotomy is chilling. This is a ploy to attempt to divide and conquer Republicans. Do not fall for it!
posted on
07/15/2022 9:46:25 PM PDT
(Mitt and Obama: They're the same poison, just a different potency)
To: All
is this like when lucy holds the football for charlie brown?
posted on
07/15/2022 9:46:26 PM PDT
To: SoConPubbie; rintintin
“All you need to know that those pushing DeSantis as an alternative to Trump are not good people is to look at the home page of the source of this article. A glowing article about DeSantis, and several blatantly outright negative slanted Propaganda articles about Trump. The Dichotomy is chilling. This is a ploy to attempt to divide and conquer Republicans. Do not fall for it!”
The opening poster more than “fell for it”. He/she is on a pro-DeSantis/2024 jihad and revels in taking potshots at Trump. He/she is making common cause with NBC News.
posted on
07/15/2022 10:04:59 PM PDT
House Atreides
To: House Atreides; rintintin
The opening poster more than “fell for it”. He/she is on a pro-DeSantis/2024 jihad and revels in taking potshots at Trump. He/she is making common cause with NBC News.
He/she is not only taking potshots at Trump, he/she is lying about Trump.
So yes, you are right.
posted on
07/15/2022 10:12:38 PM PDT
(Mitt and Obama: They're the same poison, just a different potency)
To: rintintin
Allowing Marxists to completely take over education in the U.S. was the worst thing we ever did. They play the long game, they realized that if you indoctrinate the young into leftism that eventually you’ll have an entire generation of brainwashed idiots at your disposal. We’re seeing the results of that now. While republicans were busy trying to be successful and raise their families, democrats were quietly turning children into good little communists by controlling the schools and social media.
posted on
07/15/2022 10:21:49 PM PDT
posted on
07/15/2022 10:52:07 PM PDT
(All posts made under this handle are, for the intents and purposes of the author, considered satire.)
To: rintintin
the FDR and LBJ coalition with various groups getting money if hey go along with the Dem crime bosses (blacks, feminists, unions, illegal immigrants, abortion fans....) can't work if the groups don't stay high in membership. So the rapidly dwindling union membership and the scandals of union leaders mean that group is paying off less to the crime boss dem leaders. ////////////////////////////////////// US Chamber of commerce website, Jan.26, 2022 said in part: ....the addition of 4.2 million jobs in 2021 did not grow union membership, which is now down by more than half a million members in two years. Almost all those new jobs were in the private sector, and so was the decline in union membership. In 2021, the private sector lost about 50,000 union members, for a total loss of about 478,000 since 2019. Meanwhile, the private sector union membership rate itself dipped slightly from 6.3% to 6.1%, the lowest it has ever been. Its previous low point was 6.2% in 2019.
posted on
07/15/2022 11:22:20 PM PDT
frank ballenger
(You have summoned up a thundercloud. You're gonna hear from me. Anthem by Leonard Cohen)
To: rintintin
wanting to “sexualize” children and warp kids’
Well, they should make them the perfect soldiers by the time they get to join the military that way. The woke generals mush really enjoy watching these training exercises!
To: SoConPubbie; rintintin
A glowing article about DeSantis, and several blatantly outright negative slanted Propaganda articles about Trump.
Sounds like something rintintin might have written.
Do not fall for it!
Too late. Rinny already drank the never-Trump - DeSantis Koolaid.
posted on
07/16/2022 12:35:47 AM PDT
(The Murdochs might be citizens but they aren't true blue Americans.)
To: Beowulf9
“Except he aint running.”
True. But, the Dems and RINO’s (Dem Lite) desperately want him to. They’re dreaming of a scenario whereby Trump and Desantis go after each other in a Primary. Split the Trump coalition and provide a pathway for a DC SWAMP victory.
posted on
07/16/2022 12:45:48 AM PDT
(God is Great and Jesus is Our Savior)
To: rintintin
DeSantis has a $130,000,000 war chest - that’s all?
posted on
07/16/2022 1:08:33 AM PDT
(Just looking)
To: NetAddicted; rintintin
desantis is currently running for reelection for florida governor this year (2022)...
he’ll be sworn in january 2023...
he’s not starting a presidential campaign in 2023...
posted on
07/16/2022 1:25:45 AM PDT
heavy metal
(smiling improves your face value and makes people wonder what the hell you're up to... 😁)
To: heavy metal
Yes, DeSantis has too much integrity to abandon Florida governorship.
posted on
07/16/2022 2:05:00 AM PDT
(Just looking)
To: NetAddicted
desantis was born and raised in florida...
he has 3 young children and his wife recently battled breast cancer...
he’s not leaving florida anytime soon...
posted on
07/16/2022 2:11:06 AM PDT
heavy metal
(smiling improves your face value and makes people wonder what the hell you're up to... 😁)
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