The article is unbelievable. He did all this stuff but they say it’s ok, because he reached out to the FBI, because he didn’t want to hang Pence, tried to deescalate things inside the Capitol. And he only went in peacefully.
So wait, all those Prosecuted tried to hang Pence? None of them cooperated? They all went in to overthrow the government?
Every bit of that is nonsense, they literally locked everyone else up and threw away the key.
But Epps was ok because he was a “nice guy”.
Makes zero sense.
The article was very amateurish. It is almost like the author did not really view Mr. Epps on video. The video evidence, and the crowd’s reaction, speaks for itself.
I have been trying to the my congressperson’s staff to view Mr. Epps on video, and to get them to tell me something is not seriously wrong. The will not watch it (or tell me they watched it).
Near a thousand people, literally, did less than Epps and they all rotted in jail, faced felony charges, etc.