Yes, Western civilization is no longer civilized. It is a mish-mash of PC and worse now, destroying long held science of what a man and a woman is.
The epitome of this craziness is when the new USSC woman nominee was asked to define a woman. Her mind-numbing answer, "I don't know because I'm not a biologist."
Sheesh, I learned in middle-school the difference. XX chromosomes equals a woman. XY chromosomes is a man. Why does nobody ever bring up that undisputed fact?
Chromosomes: Chromosomes are thread-like structures in which DNA is tightly packaged within the nucleus. DNA is coiled around proteins called histones, which provide the structural support. Chromosomes help ensure that DNA is replicated and distributed appropriately during cell division.
It boggles the mind
To me, it means that the Justice intends to be political and legislate from the bench. Roe vs Wade is an example of that. We need to impeach Justices who are legislating from the bench because that is reserved to the Legislative Branch of government.