Since Rabbi Levin was Brooklyn based, did he belong to Chabad? To me, Chabad writes the total, complete Truth about G-d & Scriptures. To check them out, go to (which won’t be a web fake).
I’m a Christian, but I read Chabad regularly.
R. Yehuda Levin was taught by the great R. Avigdor Miller, certainly among the greatest Torah scholars and shining spiritual teachers ever born in America. R. Miller started his learning with Chabad.
There are many great Orthodox teachers, Chabad just has the biggest public presence. Most of them just don’t have much internet presence or make a point to teach much in English
Rabbis like Shmuel Kamenetsky, Malkiel Kotler, and Elya Brudny of the Mir Yeshiva are giants. There are a few audios and videos of them using English on Torah multimedia sites like or