Companies should make a point of not hiring anyone who had their loans forgiven. They have shown they cannot keep their commitments.
I agree.
Interesting thing, during the beginning of the Wuhan Flu, I got a debit card loaded with Trumpbux. I made a 6-figure salary and was at literally zero risk of being furloughed because of the shutdowns. But they mailed me the money (in the fourth of a debit card). The card went in the shredder because I need charity, I’m not too proud to ask.
And they talk about forgiving student loans. More free money that will be paid for by my children and grandchildren.
Note that they don’t talk about forgiving loans and then cancelling the program as something that doesn’t work. What that tells me it’s that they will be subsidizing college at Harvard and Georgetown in perpetuity. The student loan program will explode. Just like the Wuhan Flu giveaway programs.
Agreed! It is the most vile campaign cash-out with OUR money, ever!
It’s way past time for a tax revolt in this country. That or CWII. Time to get rid of the parasites we call government.