2022 59.7
2021 65.7°
2020 68.0°
2019 69.7°
2018 70.8°
Can anyone see a short-term pattern taking place? It is much easier to manipulate the average temperature by statistical means. And even using satellites the actual average annual temperature of the earth is calculable only by using complex algorithms that can be manipulated to show basically any result that is desired.
The climate is cyclic both short and long term. The area near the foothills where my wife and I live was under half a mile of ice a little more than 10,000 years ago. It could be again and in a much shorter time frame. The human race has much more to fear from cooling temperatures than the slight warming that idiots predict.
And rising sea levels? The rate has not changed in the last 500 years. All one has to do is look at a place like St. Augustine Florida which has the oldest fortification in North America. The Castillo de San Marcos was completed approximately 450 years ago. It demonstrates that Sea Levels have not risen at the catastrophic rate the alarmists believe that it is. This is despite the fact that many places near the oceans are sinking because of geologic forces and pumping water from underground reservoirs.
The left aren’t happy unless they have the steeple scared to death and self-loathing to,the point that they are willing to,spend all,their money to “fix” a problem thatnis entirely natural, and can’t be “fixed” (not,that it even needs fixing- co2 was over 1000 ppm I. The past, and life thrived just fine, yet we are to beleive that 425 ppm (or whatever it is nkw) is so dangerous that we will all burst into flames any minute nkw