My money is not on those with the peashooters and the big talk
Don’t bet, it is too dangerous.
Especially don’t bet against where the world is headed.
Anyone who bets against the uniparty deep state thug totalitarian’s, who are in control of all three branches of US government,and who are formally in control of the elections process and outcome, in ABSOLUTE control of the DOJ (since Bill Clinton), the DOD, the nukes, ultimately the police, and ultimately in control of 90% percent of information, will learn they made a bad bet.
Doesn’t matter how many guns America has. America in its “Constitutional state”, has not existed for 150 years.
The left doesn’t fear the guns or civil war. And they ultimately want the planet down to no more than 200 million people.
We won’t, but if we did have a civil war, they would do all they could to motivate their America loving enemy (us) to congregate and marshal, as a means of more easily wiping us out with nuke level restructive weapons.
DOD “ain’t gonna” fracture, as they are two generations deep in bleeding heart leftists, and being purged of the oral and God loving personnel.
In fact, DOD acted significantly to strip Trump of Constitutional CIC authority, as well as to get rid of him. They were involved in both.
Only a massive national realignment with God, repentance, and subsequent morality, combined with acts of God even could turn this around.
A much larger global and historical pivot point is in play now.
Forced subjugation under global governance architecture is here.
Never stop fighting, but know neither the Constitution, nor a majority actually determine anything going forward.
All we will see now (some would argue since Wilson), are conflicts between narcissistic leftist axis powers from around th world, and their wars and posturing for ascendancy over the other leftist globalists.
At present, the most dominant leftist factions seeking global governance supremacy over other globalist “wanna be” supremacists would include China, Russia/China, US, and EU.
Realistically, this is where we are at.