Stop with the “Putin appeasement” silliness.
Forget it, little markieminiass is a troll.
This event will end either in a nuclear exchange or a negotiated settlement. I don’t like Kissinger anymore than the rest of the globalists but he is correct there will have to be a negotiated settlement for this to end. Those spoiling for a war with Russia are being flippant and think it will be Iraq or Desert Storm all over again and they couldn’t be more wrong. The Ukraine is not a strategic point for US national interests so why should we intervein?
I detest Putin, but to think the Ukraine is going to defeat Russia is wishful and reckless thinking without NATO intervention and that will lead to a nuclear exchange down the road.
All the globalists, deep state, media and military industrial complex, the usual RINO warmongers and strangely some conservatives who should know better are all rah-rah for a war with Russia. All these people except the conservatives listed above hate the USA and we are supposed to throw in with them—again in another war? Come on people think, don’t live on raw Cold War emotions, the Cold War is over. China is the true enemy of the USA.