“Pretty simple - the grain for Syria now has to come from somewhere else, and with Russia’s vast income from energy due to the price going through the roof (thanks again for the ‘sanctions’, EU and Neocons), Russia won’t have any problem paying for that grain (for Syria) either.”
I knew you wouldn’t answer my question, but would respond with a non-answer. I knew because you don’t think, you just react; kind of Pavlovian in your behavior. Oh, and Pavlov was Russian. If you are in your late 80s or older you could have been one of his test subjects. Were you?
“By the way, Syria used to be self-sufficient in food, but thanks to the war in Syria that your Neocon friends also started, they now have to import food.”
I have no Neocon friends, Sparky; at least none I know of. But how about your warmonger friends? You know, the ones cheering on Russia in its invasion of a smaller and weaker neighbor that posed no threat to Russia? How often do you all get together for kicks?
Sorry for hurting your feelings, but thanks much for the non-response...typical of Neocons, which is why Rand Paul is right now BLOCKING your agenda.