Purposeful destruction.
Nobody in his right mind would consider a lease in Cook Inlet. They would never approve a single drilling or development permit.
Find a neighbor who voted for biden and leave a present on their door step. I hope they all suffer terrible as the spit hits the fan. You will know who they are though, they are the ones with pallets of baby formula and stuff delivered to them.
Anyone still think calling Biden a “domestic enemy” is going over the top? Not me. I truly think if Al Qaeda were in the White house running things they would do less damage to this country than this bastard.
The oilyy baftard will not share his oil? Let his well run dry. Then see what happens.
America is now being punished because it will not support a New Green Deal, and also punished for previously electing Donald Trump who showed us that American can be great again.
Joe the punisher.
We are free and do not accept your “punishment” of America.
We are sending you back into your Delaware basement where you belong.