If we Conservatives think things will change in January next year if the GOP takes the House and/or Senate........YOU ARE AN IDIOT!!!
Depends on how you define change
Not hanving peloton in charge of the House or Chuckie in charge of the Senate would be a plus
Depends. I’m not holding my breath. But, if these Trump-MAGA types get in, link up with the handful that have been pushed to the fringe, you never know.
Just imagine, instead of 4 or 5, about 20-30 Greene’s, Borbert’s, Gohmert’s, Biggs’, Gosar’s, & Gaetz’s. It could be fun to watch the old guard lose their minds trying to herd those cats.
The stuck in the 20th century throwback geriatric old putz’s (GOP) that run the party can’t live forever.
Some thing swill change, but in order to have real, substantial change you also need the President.
The committees will change, and the proposed laws will change but slow joe will not sign any.
No one thinks any differently, and no one is an idiot because they want pubbies elected.
Get a grip chief.