I saw a HUGE contrast yesterday on my flight from Spokane, WA (conservative Inland NW) to San Jose, CA (ultra-liberal Silicon Valley). Maybe 3% of people in the Spokane terminal were masked. When I landed, about 40% of the people in the San Jose terminal were masked.
I went to my favorite coffee shop by Mountain View, CA this morning. Almost all the high school kids walking to school are still wearing the damned things. It is alarming that these sheeple lambs cannot think for themselves and still believe in the facial talisman. One girl was sitting outside Starbucks studying, all by herself in the outdoors fresh air, and she was wearing the damned thing.
They’ve done an outstanding job scaring young people to death and making them obey.
I just arrived at JFK. There’s about 25% in compliance with masking. And I’m not one of them.