Look in the mirror karen.
That’s her name all right, even though she spells it “Caryn”. She hates the “Karen” meme as a consequence, so saying “Okay Caryn” will trigger her instantly.
I don’t trust THIS black woman. And since she can’t define “woman”, perhaps she isn’t one. Ever think of that? How can she even know if she IS a woman if she can’t define one? She lets pedophile off to continue their crimes. How can anyone possibly believe she is the BEST choice for the supreme court? And since you preface everything with color and gender, you should KNOW she isn’t the best choice. The field she needs to be expert in is LAW and the qualifications she needs to be chosen for should be in the area she is expected to rule over.
This is insane and nobody should be printing ANYBODY’S REMARKS that start with, “She is a black woman....trans....homosexual....bi....whatever...” Those aren’t job qualifications.
I do not trust THIS black woman whos record is trash and has trouble (read evasive) answering the most basic , benign questions. There are lots of rational black women who could fit this role....but true to form the Democrats always need to go the extreme and find the wokest of the woke.
Shes a pedo sympathizer by proxy Whoopi is also a pedo symapthizer.
I say find a random black woman on the street. Have the lady dress up as a surgeon and tell Woppie this doc will operate on a loved one…. Oh. Yeaaa, she’s Not a surgeon, does it matter. If you say yes, then You are a Racist.