Putin would NEVER have invaded Ukraine if a weak, stupid puppet like Biden had not been in the US Presidency.
Putin would NEVER have invaded Ukraine if Donald Trump were President of the USA.
But it was not merely the weakness of the US President that triggered Putin's adventurism. It was the weakness of the American People in allowing a man such as Biden to be placed in the Presidency--and allowing a highly puissant, brilliant, heroic man such as Donald Trump, who loves America (in contrast to Biden's indifference to the destruction of the USA), to be removed from the Presidency.
The responsibility for the war in Ukraine and all its horrors lies directly upon those American who allowed Biden to replace Trump in the White House.
It is they whom the people of the world must condemn for the war and all its horrors.
Unless the American People come to their senses--and fast!--and repudiate the decadence of American Society; the unscrupulous people who are exploiting if for their own personal gain, including unscrupulous politicians; the misguided but stupid Americans who encourage the decadence, notably in Washington, academia, the news media, Hollywood, et al.--and restore America to ascendancy--more foreign--and domestic--tyrants are going take advantage of America's weakness and have a go at adventurism just like Putin did.
I agree.