Poland, Like Ukraine, Is in Putin's Crosshairs
Putin says Romania, Poland may now be in Russia's cross-hairs May 2016
Youtube: Mark Levin: What are Putin's intentions? Mar 27, 2022
Levin in the above video talks about the Summer 5000 word essay.
Putin’s new Ukraine essay reveals imperial ambitions
The above article also mentions the 5000 word essay, but doesn't mention Poland or Hungary. It does clearly indicate Putin wants all of Ukraine, contrary to those who think it's only about Dombass.
The Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians - Putin
The above is the 5000 word essay. I skimmed it. I don't see Poland and Hungary mentioned.
Putin's speech was shocking to many, but not to people in Kyiv Feb 22, 2022
Vladimir Putin: Full Text of February 21, 2022 Speech
"Of course, the events of the past cannot be changed, but we must at least speak about them directly and honestly, without reservations and without political coloration. I can only add that the considerations of the current political conjuncture, however spectacular and advantageous they may seem at a given moment, should not or cannot under any circumstances form the basis for the fundamental principles of statehood."
"It is also important to understand that Ukraine has basically never had a stable tradition of genuine statehood. Since 1991, it has gone the way of mechanical copying of foreign models, detached from its history and Ukrainian reality. The state’s political institutions have been constantly reshaped to serve rapidly rising clans with their own interests, which have nothing in common with the interests of the Ukrainian people."
"There is still no permanent statehood in Ukraine and the political electoral processes serve only as a cover, a projection screen for the redistribution of power and property between different oligarch clans."
I think that's the speech that is being referred to. I don't seen specific references to Poland or Hungary not having a right to exist.
Yeah, I know he said that about Ukraine. I can imagine him saying it about Poland (but it would be highly inflammatory), but Hungary, which has never been part of Russia under any regime, and has neither a Slavic culture nor (much) Orthodox religion ... that would be going pretty far afield, even for Putin.