[But, if you believe these numbers, then you believe the Russians in the same region have lost more troops to the Ukrainian military than the Soviets did to a much more formidable German military WWII. I certainly don’t believe that.]
For them, 15,000 dead would have been a blessing. During WWII, they fought hard, after some initial stumbles, because the Nazis wanted them killed to the last man, woman and child, and repopulate their territory with Germans.
No such reason exists in Ukraine for any Russian to risk life and limb. While many would have no issues with Putin becoming Vladimir the Greater on the strength of an easy victory, risking his own life to make Putin famous is probably not on any Russian’s bucket list.
That bears repeating. Russians will eventually fight like tigers if they are fighting in Mother Russia to repel an invader; and, at that, they are slow to come around. As invaders, they generally suck (think of the Winter War against Finland).
One thing Russia did early on in Barbarossa was to remove its industry east, mostly beyond the Urals. That was a very, very smart move, and it was accomplished admirably.