In addition, the school will also burden and penalize other students (who have not demonstrted they are racist) with woketard "events and initiatives in the coming weeks to recognize and acknowledge the powerful emotions that are present within our community."
That’s Amish, right?
Of course it was.
If it had been a white kid we would have been told during the first report.
And we would still be getting daily news briefings.
Until they start pressing charges consistently, it will continue. Although I don’t think many believe the hoax, it’s still causes damage and costs money.
Minimum should be a public apology.
Their world view of racism does not meet reality. They’ve been force fed this bs of ‘systemic racism’ and these are the fruits of Democrats labor.
Most here posted when this incident was first reported it was an inside job. Well right again.
Transforming Young Women into World Class Leaders
Wow. . .nothing like that has ever happened before.
(do I have to. . . /sarc)