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To: Red Badger
The UN Security Council will issue a sharply worded denunciation followed by the immediate deployment of a peacekeeping force. The current president of the Council is...uh...Russia.
To: Red Badger
Throw them out of the US. They are just worthless and evil. Always have been.
61 posted on
02/24/2022 10:05:30 AM PST by
(Freaking insane world. )
To: Red Badger
Has this person forgotten the 16 resolutions, the UN gave Saddam Hussein that he totally ignored?? The UN’s been dead for a very long time. It needs to vacate the property.
62 posted on
02/24/2022 10:07:00 AM PST by
("Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway." ~~ John Wayne )
To: Red Badger
Good now get the US out of the UN and the UN out of the US
63 posted on
02/24/2022 10:16:16 AM PST by
(I’m see puppy dogs in the clouds)
To: Red Badger
Th eUseless Nuisance.
Get the US out of the UN and the UN out of the US.
65 posted on
02/24/2022 10:55:27 AM PST by
(Decent people cannot fathom the amoral cruelty of the Biden regime.)
To: Red Badger
The UN became nothing more than a money-laundering scheme for tin horn dictators to fleece the American Citizen.
66 posted on
02/24/2022 10:57:10 AM PST by
(The #JihadJunta: "We are now a nation of Men, Not of Laws. You are not as equal as we are...")
To: Red Badger
69 posted on
02/24/2022 11:59:59 AM PST by
("...that all the donkeys were dead. I know nothing as to the fate of the less valuable animals)
To: Red Badger
The United Nations Died Today It's just pining for the fjords
70 posted on
02/24/2022 12:06:23 PM PST by
(Those that make peaceful (counter)revolution impossible make violent rebellion inevitable. - JFK)
To: Red Badger
The United Nations has been dead and rotting since 1950.
71 posted on
02/24/2022 12:37:04 PM PST by
5th MEB
(Progressives in the open; --- FIRE FOR EFFECT!!)
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