Putin’s first expedition into Ukraine succeeded because he had both tactical and strategic surprise. It was almost over as soon as the world learned about it. And if it didn’t take the US by surprise, the Obama administration said nothing about it during Putin’s run-up. (Allowing it to happen.) In a week, the Crimea and parts of the Donbase were under Russian control.
The spotlight is on Russia and Ukraine now. If Russia had any intention of a second incursion, it’s probably shelved now. But you can bet Biden will crow about how he stopped Russia from invading Ukraine in the upcoming midterms and the 2024 campaign.
It is stunning the degree of alarm this administration has created worldwide. They use the world stage to create instability here and abroad.
This all feels and has the earmarks like Libya and other Middle East wars the Obama/Clinton administration created in pushing for a centralized government where they have compliant nation leaders....if they don’t go along then the administration will use their propaganda machinery to stir things up until they yield.
The bidet is dumb enough through his mouth pieces to position Russia in such a position where they cannot back down. This is not Cuba. China and fishies are aligned.