Any Russian attack would begin with massive artillery and missiles strikes, then followed by air strikes on the remainder of targets.
No, The invasion will come with attacks on air bases and airports, rail hubs, brides, bases and command and control centers. The grid will comedown and TV and radio stations seized by special forces. The ex-president (Pro-Russian) of Ukraine will come on to urge all to be calm and that he has worked out a peace deal with Putin (his good Friend,) and a friend of the Ukrainian People! 24 hours of fierce fighting, Then the T-90s roll though Kiev and a new government is installed as the old government flies to Poland with suitcases of cash. Lots of gnashing of teeth but in the end Nothing.
So is this the same expert who said Kabul wouldn’t fall for six months? ‘cause I’m not sure I’d really bet heavily on his “intelligence”