“Seriously: This issue must be decided in part based upon the numbers. Numbers have meaning!”
And too many of the numbers have not been honest numbers but rigged to scare or impressed by the reporting standards set up for the numbers.
My guess is that “case” numbers and deaths have been rigged upward and vaccine adverse events have been rigged downward.
Even then the data has not succeeded in hiding that Covid19 is not a fatal problem for the majority of people, and whom it is a problem for the most part are the elderly, the obese and other folks with some comorbity issue.
With regards to case numbers, I suspect that the OPPOSITE has been done.
Namely: It better suits their purposes to pretend that fewer people have contracted and recovered (thus gaining superior natural immunity, obviating the need for vaxxing). Also, by underreporting cases, the proportion of deaths/hospitalizations to cases is then also "scarier."