It’s the exact opposite. The ChiComs only react to things in their country when it is already a problem that can’t be fixed—the one child policy, for example, now being reversed in favor of 2 children, but it’s too little too late. Or look at the ghost cities—the world’s biggest debt bomb just waiting to explode.
The ChiComs routinely make decisions that screw up whatever they were trying to improve, only to embarrassingly reverse it later, or make a big show of fixing a problem they set into motion 10 years earlier.
Do not underestimate their extreme incompetence. They are NOT good at running a country. They ARE good at destroying human life and even the Earth itself, however, their own and ours too if they could.
So you're saying they're like democrats.
They are NOT good at running a country.
What they, and our own Progressives don't realize, is that no one is.
Which is odd, because there were Chinese philosophers who understood this, thousands of years ago.
The more prohibitions there are,
The poorer the people will be.
The more laws are promulgated,
The more thieves and bandits there will be.
Therefore a sage has said:
So long as I “do nothing” the people will of themselves be transformed.
So long as I love quietude, the people will of themselves go straight.
So long as I act only by inactivity the people will of themselves become prosperous.